Art Classes for Kids | Fun | Self-Expression

Online Art Classes for Kids! – The Who, What, When, Where, and Why!

Online art classes for kids to watch and pause at your own pace.

Coming Soon!

I am happy to announce that I am putting together a bundle of fun, engaging and educational pre-recorded art classes for kids! (These are NOT Art4HealingĀ® classes) These are art classes for your children to express their creativity and have fun. You can use them for after-school enrichment or add them to your current art homeschool plan.

WHO are these art classes for?

Your kids! Elementary-aged so approximately Kindergarten – 5th graders, or 5 to 10-year-olds.

WHAT are these art classes?

These are pre-recorded art classes for your children to express their creativity and have fun, for after-school enrichment, or to add to your current art homeschool plan.

WHEN are these art classes?

Whenever you choose! You can use them when the time is best for you and your kids. Stop and pause when needed.

WHERE are these art classes?

Right here! On the website!

WHY are you offering art classes for kids?

Besides the fact that I absolutely LOVE childrens’ art, so much so that I got all my art requirements completed to teach elementary art in the schools, I also just love kids and want them to play, have fun, learn a little about art, and express themselves! Doing art is an excellent way for kids to reduce stress for them as well as for you!

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